Living lives of quiet affluence in a historic, suburban Boston town, Gavin and Lisa Brinkley had no idea how quickly and decisively their lives, and those of their two young daughters, could be upended. A series of events - a mysterious break-in at their home, some menacing tailgating on the highway from Boston, a startling visit from an F.B.I. agent warning of an imminent kidnapping attempt - leads to the family's abrupt uprooting from its comfortable existence into a terrifying new existence on the run, under new identities. This taut thriller by a father-daughter team follows the eleven-year odyssey of an American family on the run, in hiding through the mountain states of the American west, where survival skills and living off the grid are paramount, but so are friendship, cooperation, and resilience.
The enemy, always lurking just out of sight, is a foreign cyber-criminal enterprise that launches breathtaking assaults on the American banking system and physical infrastructure, but the Brinkleys also know that the threat is deeply personal, reaching ever closer to them from the shadows of the past. At the same time, Gavin and Lisa discover the perils of wandering too close to the edges of the dark side, in the murky world of cyber-security. A compelling story of suspense and treachery, HIDING IN SUNSHINE is also a celebration of a family's abiding love and courage - and a young girl's faith in the triumph of the truth.
I loved this book! I
hadn’t actually read the description ahead of time so I really had no idea what
to expect and I enjoyed that complete element of surprise. From the beginning, I was hooked and couldn’t
really stop reading, I NEEDED to know what was going to happen to this
family. Gavin and Lisa Brinkley are an
affluent couple who try to lead quiet lives; Gavin has numerous highly lucrative
patents but they try to stay off the radar and prefer to avoid media
attention. As a couple that is not very
well known or rather well recognized even within the technology community, they
are shocked to learn they have become the target of a kidnapping! And even more shocked when they realize that
they are being put in the Witness Protection Program for their own safety.
Hiding In Sunshine follows the couple and their two young
children as they are shuffled off into the Witness Protection Program and are
forced to take on new identities and begin a new life away from everything they
know especially technology.
I don’t want to give away too much details but I really loved
how this novel progressed in terms of escalating danger. I also really loved that I had no idea what
was coming next, it kept me guessing and interested. I would highly recommend Hiding in Sunshine
to anyone looking for a captivating read that you will not be able to put down!